Natural Remedies to deal with PMS and Period Pain

What is PMS?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before a woman’s period. Symptoms often vary between women and resolve around the start of bleeding. Common symptoms include acne, tender breasts, bloating, feeling tired, irritability, and mood changes.

I will share few non allopathic tips that have worked for me and I hope you can try them and get some relief.

How can you deal with PMS ?

  • Try herbal teas

Herbal teas are really good for health and there doesn’t seem to be a downside to drinking tea. Try ginger tea, green tea or Chamomile tea, they all have many health benefits like lowering cholesterol, lowering toxins in the body, help kidney functioning and also help with concentration. A warm cup of tea can also help relieve stress. So I like to have a cup of tea and it always works wonders during PMS.

  • Have a Banana

The popular instinct is to pop a painkiller, particularly if you’re a non believer in home remedies. But try having a banana during your PMS or your periods. Banana has high content of potassium, which helps in circulation of air and blood to the brain, so it results in prevention of heart strokes and maintains regular heartbeat. It also maintains balance in body’s water level. It controls both  ulcers and muscle cramps as well. It also has high iron level in it. Yes, you heard me right. From young girls to menopause stage women, everyone has a pain during their monthly periods. That pain is unbearable and at that time they are very weak as well. So instead of going for tablets, tonics etc go for natural medicine, banana. Have 2 bananas and it will heal you pain.  Use this natural medicine to heal this natural pain.

  • Hot Water Bottle

Scientists at University College London found that heat treatment works by blocking pain messages to the brain and that placing something warm on the skin can get rid of abdominal pain in a similar way to painkillers for up to an hour. So it’s not just in our minds then!

Lying down and using a hot water bottle can be really helpful to stop period pain. It has always worked with me and will always work with you too.

  • Dark Chocolate

Intense chocolate cravings are extremely common at this time of the month, but excessive sugar isn’t a great idea and may actually make your symptoms worse. Try eating dark chocolate- it’s lower in sugar than milk and white chocolate, but will still satisfy your sweet cravings, and as an added bonus is a rich source of magnesium.

  • Wear comfortable Clothes

Tight and uncomfortable clothes never helped anyone when they are having mood swings and cramps. Wear some soft fabrics and let them be loose. When I am in India, I wear kurtas or jumpsuits that are super comfortable!

  • Get an extra hour of Sleep

I believe that good sleep is a luxury and getting proper rest always helps us feel refreshed. Sleep becomes even more special during your periods and during PMS. So get an extra hour nap in the afternoon and it will make all the difference

  • Use apps like ‘Period Calculator
  • I never knew that an app could make such a big difference in my life. I used to forget my period date before I had this app. It also has amazing features where you can feed your symptoms and analyse it and see what works for you and what doesn’t. It is a must have for every girl and it doesn’t harm when it’s free and super cute.
    • Be prepared
  • Last but not the least. Its better to be prepared than not. You should understand your body and its signals. If you are feeling cranky for no reason or feel like crying (like me) while watching cute puppies on the internet, there is a chance that you might be PMSing. Accept it and believe that it is going to be okay. Embrace it and fight the taboos attached with menstruation.
  • Hope you keep these points in mind and try these home remedies next time you have your period. Have a happy Period !

    4 thoughts on “Natural Remedies to deal with PMS and Period Pain

    1. very useful and true facts!!! infact i do take bananas during my period and it helps a lot !!! and period calculator is in my phone as well…

      much love to you aarushi


    2. Your remedies are super cool..i also use more of them to overcome from my pain…thnkiu so much for sharing this 😍


    3. .i also use all this ways to overcome from my pain …bt still smthings that i find new will try next tym.


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