We want what everyone wants…

                                  A poem on Kashmir Exodus by Aarushi Thakur Rana

We might be wounded but not broken

A fire burns inside us, the flame is just a token

We are not looking for revenge, we are looking for acceptance

Government and politics, can keep away their reluctance

You can either let it hurt you, or ignore it if it haunts

We want what everyone wants…

If someone does not stand for us, let’s stand for each other

We have lost or homes, we have lost our fathers

Let’s join hands, because every new day is an opportunity

Let history not repeat itself, let’s create our own destiny

Let the history be written in the honest fonts

We want what everyone wants… 

We left because we were strong

It takes courage to give up even when you are not wrong

There was a war outside and a battle inside

We were the only ones who knew how hard was our fight

We have faced criticism, we have endured the taunts

We want what everyone wants….

Our savings, our material wealth was all shattered

Hopes, dreams and our unity was all that mattered

Our home our paradise was a nature’s bliss

No matter where we go, this is something we will always miss

We will not be reminded, unaffected by the daunts

We want what everyone wants…

Let’s take you to Kashmir, let’s tell the truth right

It is not a story, it is not a fight

But some stories must be heard and some truths must be told

It is hard to keep in, when opportunists have a scope to mould

Let’s acknowledge the past, let’s fight the haunts

We want what everyone wants…

We want what everyone wants…

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