When all of this is over

When all of this is over, let me look back and sigh!

They wanted me to give up, but I decided to try…

When all of this is over, tell me I made a difference

Tell me I still work in a theatre and their curtains have risen…

When all of this is over, tell me that my hashtag, my protest and my voice mattered

Tell me that they mean when they say, they are against racism and will not change later… 

When all of this is over, let me look back and be angry again

There was no way to stop the suffering, the deaths and the pain…

When all of this is over, let me have a deep breath without a face covering or a mask

I was not able to hug my grandparents and that was a big ask!

When all of this is over, tell me I was productive 

Online trainings, baking cakes, writing poetry kept me creative…

When all of this is over, keep reminding me and never let me forget

Families are constant and jobs are temporary, if you already knew that, you will never regret…

When all of this is over, ask me to look at the blue sky

Look for the people who have become stars, let me shed a tear and don’t stop me if I cry… 

When all of this is over let me look back and smile

Let me feel that I have evolved, while I walked a mile…

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